City Nature Challenge 2023 – April 30

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Big Hill Springs Provincial Park
Learn all about citizen science while also exploring two of the best natural areas around Calgary. This adventure is done in partnership with the City Nature Challenge 2023. Participants will have to chance to learn how to use their phones to identify native flora and fauna while also enjoying a spectacular nature walk.
The City Nature Challenge encourages people to explore their own backyards and discover the variety of species that call them home.
This walk is suitable for people of all ages and abilities. The focus will be on observing what’s around us and learning more about the rich biodiversity in Alberta.
Participants are encouraged to download and familiarize themselves with the iNaturalist app ahead of time. I will provide a short tutorial via email and also on the day of the activity.
Participants may stay as long as they wish and are welcome to stay to gather more observations after the program has concluded.
Nathaniel SchmidtFundraising Goal
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