Wander and Wonder in the Bragg Creek Watershed

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West Bragg Creek Recreation Area
An opportunity for an after work escape from the city to enjoy the splendours of nature – pristine wetlands, fescue grasslands, spruce and pine Montane forests, in the headwaters of Bragg Creek.
Learn about busy beavers and fickle fish, trail stewardship and beaver coexistence projects with Flora Giesbrecht. Flora is the Executive Director for the Elbow River Watershed Partnership. Her work also includes volunteering with Bragg Creek Trails and a coach with XC Bragg Creek Ski and Bike Society.
The “Watershed Heritage” interpretive trail tour (~1.4 km loop): this family friendly short and easy hike will take us along an escarpment overlooking Bragg Creek. Learn more about the West Bragg Creek watershed, wetlands, local stewardship initiatives and see busy beavers at work. The interpretive trail starts at the east end of the West Bragg Creek parking area and winds its way up to the site of the former West Bragg Creek Hostel. From there we will explore closer to the creek to an active beaver dam to learn more about how this industrious watershed engineer is benefitting biodiversity, flood, fire and drought resilience.
Flora Giesbrecht, Elbow River Watershed PartnershipFundraising Goal
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Things To be Aware Of
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[addtoany url="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/adventures/a4w2023-wander-and-wonder/" title="There's a great wilderness adventure happening in Alberta this year! Wander and Wonder in the Bragg Creek Watershed:" buttons="facebook,twitter,email" media="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20170323_talk_edm_bhi_beaver.jpg"]