Rosebud Valley – Save the Rosebud

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Rosebud Valley
The Rosebud River Valley is an ecological marvel. Come experience it for yourself.
The valley is in an area of Alberta subject to intense agriculture and oil and gas development. Despite those cumulative impacts, the valley, and the Rosebud River itself, maintain a level of biodiversity unparalleled in Southern Alberta.
A Racetrack is proposed for lands along the Rosebud River. The project is massive in scope and impact, and in an otherwise undeveloped and pristine part of Alberta. Its construction will change the ecology of the entire valley, irreparably altering its biodiversity.
A provincial Water Act approval was issued to enable the massive stormwater plan and destruction of wetlands for the racetrack development. Members of Save the Rosebud appealed, arguing for a refusal of the approval. The hearing was completed on March 28 and the Environmental Appeals Board could make their recommendation to the Minister of the Environment as soon as the end of June. The decision on the appeal will then be in the Minister’s hands.
The ecological integrity and importance of the Rosebud River Valley is highlighted by the fact that it provides habitat to four species listed under the Species at Risk Act: the bank swallow, barn swallow, little brown myotis and northern leopard frog.
The valley is also home to numerous species deemed sensitive by the Province of Alberta, including the short-eared owl, northern harrier, prairie falcon, sprague’s pipit, common yellowthroat, American badger and plains rough fescue.
Recognizing the importance of the Rosebud River Valley to the community, local land owners and non-governmental organizations placed conservation easements on a large portion of the valley and watershed, surrounding the portion that is under consideration for the racetrack development. This is an extraordinary conservation achievement and a real example of Albertans’ commitment to preserving our natural environment.
We hope you will join us for a tour of the area (exclusive access through private lands), especially for you to experience the beauty of this special place and learn about its importance and what you can do to stop this development and conserve this ecological gem for generations to come.
Save the RosebudFundraising Goal
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