5 Aug 2023

Powderface Ridge

We're sorry; registrations have closed for this adventure.

Distance: 14 km
Elevation: 550m
Expected time: 5-6 hours
Difficulty: moderate

Powderface Ridge is west of Bragg Creek, in the transition zone between the high mountains and the foothills. It offers far-reaching views from many points, spectacular geology and beautiful alpine wildflowers in some places.

This an intermediate day hike suitable for hikers who are comfortable on steep trails and have a reasonable level of fitness.

The trail climbs the south east side of the ridge and then follows the ridgeline, granting uninterrupted views of both the prairies and the high mountains. We will be able to make it a one-way trip by leaving a couple of cars at the destination in order to bring everyone back to the starting place.


Chris Saunders

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