Oldman Off-Trail – Secret spaces and sacred places in a changing Oldman valley
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Oldman River Reservoir
Difficulty: moderate
A unique chance to explore a seldom-visited part of the Oldman valley, from cottonwood flats to newly-thriving willow thickets on the delta of the Oldman reservoir, to cactus beds and limber pines and finally to a ceremonial spot of the ancestral Siksikaitsitapii.
Join Alberta author, naturalist and conservation advocate Kevin Van Tighem for the chance to experience the changes the Oldman dam has wrought —some for better, some for worse — on the Oldman River valley. The adventure will offer the opportunity to consider and discuss ecosystem changes with someone who has been observing them for thirty years, and to reflect on the deep human history of a special landscape.
This four hour off-trail ramble begins and ends at Wolf Willow, the secluded home he shares with his wife Gail beside the Oldman River.
We will be guests on private property for part of the day, and we will be visiting an archaeological site that is culturally important to the original people of this landscape, so it will be important to come with an attitude of respect. This is a unique event as we normally are protective of the peace and privacy here, and participants are asked to be discreet and to keep the location secret, so as not to draw broader attention to the place.
Kevin Van TighemFundraising Goal
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[addtoany url="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/adventures/a4w2023-oldman-off-trail/" title="There's a great wilderness adventure happening in Alberta this year! Oldman Off-Trail – Secret spaces and sacred places in a changing Oldman valley:" buttons="facebook,twitter,email" media="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Fall-cottonwoods.jpg"]