Evening Bat Adventure

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Fish Creek Park - Bow Valley Ranche
Listening in the dark for night-flying bats using “bat detectors” provided by the Alberta Community Bat Program. Join us to discover who is flying in your night skies!
The night will start before sunset with a short talk from a bat specialist about Alberta Bats and the challenges they currently face. The group will get a quick lesson on how to use a bat detector and some background information on echolocation.
Participants will learn many new “bat facts” and gain a new appreciation for our night-time flying neighbours. Bats are quite common in urban areas, but most people rarely see them. People always seem surprised to hear bats are in the city – but they are here! Bats need friends! And the first step in bat conservation is to learn what you can about this mysterious but economically and ecologically important wildlife group!
Bats emerge from their roosts 30 minutes past sunset time. We will walk to the areas where we are most likely to find bats and be in position to listen as the sun sets. Summer nights outdoors in the city are under-appreciated! We will be out listening for at least an hour.
Find out more about the Alberta Community Bat Program at: www.albertabats.ca and follow them @albertabats (on Twitter and Facebook) @abcommunitybatprogram on Instagram.
Susan Holroyd, Conservation and Outreach Coordinator for WSC's Alberta Community Bat ProgramFundraising Goal
Required Equipment
Things To be Aware Of
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We're sorry; this adventure is fully booked.
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