Brentwood Work Bees – Encouraging Biodiversity
Please join us on Tuesday evenings this summer for a season of social stewardship. Pull invasive plants to encourage native species and meet your fellow Calgarians and nature stewards. Join the Biodiversity Conservation in the Centennial Natureground and Whispering Woods – tucked away in a corner of Brentwood, in northwest Calgary.
Calgarians and Albertans have repeatedly demonstrated delight in getting to know their neighbours through shared activities of all sorts. You are heartily encouraged to enjoy such camaraderie by joining these fun and festive Community Biodiversity Bees, while also learning about and supporting local native biodiversity.
- You are welcome to join in without donating: we value your time and effort in support of local biodiversity.
- You are welcome to sponsor us, by donating to AWA.
- You are welcome to join in AND sponsor/donate for this Wild Adventure!
We will be meeting on all 9 Tuesdays in July and August from 6:30-8:00 p.m. The final gathering will be also be a season-ending Celebration, with a Bring Your Own Everything Picnic [5:30 p.m. onwards].
Meet at the Prairie Amphitheatre in Whispering Woods, just opposite 3508 Brenner Drive NW, or in the adjacent Centennial Natureground on the west side of Dr. Coffin School, at 5615 Barrett Drive NW.
Polly Knowlton Cockett and Robin
Fundraising Goal
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Things To be Aware Of
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