Walkin’ on the Wild Side

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Elevation: 1400m
Expected time: 10 hours
Bob Patterson and Jim Campbell will be embarking on their annual “Don’t Let the Old Man In” Adventure for Wilderness. Nothing like pushing yourself in Alberta’s Wild Spaces to keep you young! And all for a good cause.
This year, in recognition and celebration of the importance of Alberta’s Parks to all Albertans, they will be challenging themselves to a full 10 hour hike on the Centennial Trail from Ribbon Creek to Dead Man’s Flats across the peak of Mount Allan. It is the highest maintained trail in Canada and they are looking forward to spectacular views to distract them from their aching feet!
Jim Campbell and Bob Patterson are friends of many decades who share a commitment to the conservation of Alberta’s wilderness where they have spent many days and nights canoeing and hiking. They cherish that profound joy found in untrammeled Alberta wilderness. Jim is currently President of the Alberta Wilderness Association while Bob is a long time AWA member and volunteer.
Jim has two children, two “children-in-law”, and three wonderful grandchildren. They inspire him to ensure they will always have the opportunity to spend time in Alberta's wild places and find the same delight there. Similarly, Bob’s large extended family provide fuel for his fire to support AWA and the success of its vision.
Jim says, "It is vital to the quality of our lives that we have access to unspoiled nature. Bob and I believe strongly in the mission of the AWA to ensure that current and future generations continue to have access to some of the world’s most beautiful landscapes with abundant native wildlife. Your support of our adventure and the mission of the AWA is deeply appreciated."
Jim Campbell and Bob PattersonFundraising Goal
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