Beehive Natural Area – AWA Stewardship Trip
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Alberta Wilderness Association has been a volunteer Steward for Beehive Natural Area under Alberta Parks’ Stewardship program since 2001 and regularly undertakes volunteer trips to perform monitoring and upkeep work within the area. This August, conservation specialists Kennedy Halvorson and Devon Earl will take a two-day trip to Beehive to inspect the site and complete a report which will be used to update Alberta Parks’ site database and inform local management decisions.
Located within AWA’s Livingstone-Porcupine area of concern, Beehive was designated under the protective status of ‘Natural Area’ in 1987. Its designation can be attributed to the surprisingly diverse landscape and high natural value found within its modest 68 km2 area. The cool alpine forests, broad alpine meadows, rugged rock and scree, and sweeping alluvial plains allow Beehive to host such robust wildlife and well-established old-growth forests. Beehive’s large undisturbed stands of old-growth forest contain trees that are up to 300 years old. The area is also known for its rare plant species, the habitat it provides for grizzly bears, its wintering range for elk and the lambing sites it provides for bighorn sheep.
Devon Earl and Kennedy HalvorsonFundraising Goal
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