Amisk (Beaver) Adventure – Canoeing the Sturgeon River

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Rural River Rentals
Expected time: 7 hrs
Join beaver expert Kirby England (P.Biol.) for a Saturday float on the Sturgeon River and Big Lake exploring beaver ecology and life alongside the best dam wetland managers.
Paddle a canoe (or kayak, or paddleboard) down the mighty Sturgeon River with stops along the way to discuss beaver biology and ecology, human-wildlife interactions, and the benefits of beaver coexistence for water security and climate change resiliency that is the focus of the Working With Beavers symposium. By partnering with Rural River Rentals (, an indigenous-owned business near St. Albert, participants without a watercraft can rent all they need to participate.
We will meet at the Rural River Rentals location for the put-in and start of the tour, and a shuttle will be available to haul back watercraft from the take-out point within St. Albert. There will be a nominal cost (max. $40) for the shuttle service. The more people that take advantage of this option the lower the shared costs will be (please note, this fee will be collected the day of the adventure and is in addition to any donations made to Alberta Wilderness Association).
Leading the Adventure is You Betula Environmental Inc.’s Principal Consultant, Kirby England (P.Biol.) a Wildlife, Wetland, and Riparian Areas Ecologist. In addition, to being the owner of You Betula, Kirby is a faculty member in the School of Environmental Sciences at Lethbridge College. Leading the beaver brigade in his canoe, Kirby will guide an interpretive self-powered float down the Sturgeon River from the Rural Rivers site upstream of Big Lake and the Lois Hole PP. to a downstream takeout at Kingswood Park within the City of St. Albert. We will plan to spend the morning paddling to and across Big Lake with stops to see beaver coexistence installations (planned or recently completed) as well as other wetland ecology topics as they arise. There will be a stop for lunch at the Riel Recreation Park with access to a washroom facility there.
An apres paddle gathering at a local pub and eatery (nearly in view of the Sturgeon River) is also planned to follow the event. Details on that to follow.
Kirby EnglandFundraising Goal
Required Equipment
Things To be Aware Of
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