West Bragg Creek Watershed Tour (short)

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West Bragg Creek Recreation Area
Difficulty: easy
This family friendly short and easy hike will take us along an escarpment overlooking Bragg Creek. Learn more about the West Bragg Creek watershed, wetlands, local stewardship initiatives and see busy beavers at work. Find out how this industrious watershed engineer is benefitting biodiversity, flood, fire and drought resilience. There is also a longer afternoon tour to a slightly different area.
Flora Giesbrecht (Elbow River Watershed Partnership Coordinator)Kathryn Hull (Riparian Specialist, Cows and Fish Program)
Fundraising Goal
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[addtoany url="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/adventures/a4w2022-west-bragg-creek-watershed-interpretive-tour-short/" title="There's a great wilderness adventure happening in Alberta this year! West Bragg Creek Watershed Tour (short):" buttons="facebook,twitter,email" media="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/20220209_161159-e1664896646231.jpg"]