Unicorn hunt in the Whaleback – come wander with Kevin Van Tighem
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Whaleback Ridge
Elevation: 500 m
Expected time: 5 hrs
Difficulty: moderate
As an Alberta-born writer and conservationist, who spent much of his working life in Alberta’s mountain parks, Kevin Van Tighem has a few stories to tell. Some of these have ended up in his many acclaimed books about the wild places and creatures of Alberta. Spend a day with this award-winning author as you explore the ridgetops of a place close to his heart, and hear stories of the importance of this place to him and to all of us as Albertans. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for unicorns (if you don’t get this reference you should pick up a copy of his book “Our Place: Changing the Nature of Alberta”).
Kevin Van Tighem & Lindsey WallisPhotos and Report
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Covid-19 Precautions
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[addtoany url="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/adventures/a4w2022-unicorn-hunt-in-the-whaleback/" title="There's a great wilderness adventure happening in Alberta this year! Unicorn hunt in the Whaleback – come wander with Kevin Van Tighem:" buttons="facebook,twitter,email" media="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/whalebackFB_IMG_1647698928540.jpg"]