Pollinator Power! Take 2!

No specific date: this Adventure is ongoing
We’re at it again and 58 bee boxes suitable for Alberta’s Native Bees have been produced for this year’s adventure! This year we expanded the adventure to make Bee Box kits for 3 grade one classes at FFCA – NWE and Girl Guides of the 163rd Calgary Unit to work on a citizen science project for their Lady Baden Powell Award. Last year, our boxes got out all around the province: Calgary, Canmore, Lake Louise, Red Deer, Edmonton and Rocky Mountain House! Have one in your backyard too!
While you’re at it, check out the Alberta Native Bee Council’s citizen science Bumble Bee Box Monitoring Program. They'd love to hear back from you about whether or not your bee box gets inhabited: there’s an easy-to-use form on that page you can use to let them know. They also have all kinds of other great info about bumble bees and other native pollinators!
Heather HaddenFundraising Goal
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