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Lake Minnewanka

We're sorry; registrations have closed for this adventure.

Distance: 33 km

Want to test your endurance and hike 33 kilometres (about 20 miles) mostly along Lake Minnewanka in Banff, partly on a trail rarely walked by people because of its remoteness. Join a group of intrepid hikers who’ve been doing this long walk for the past 10 or 12 years, and let them organize the logistics of this “swap-the-keys-in-the-middle” hike. There is very little elevation gain or loss, but a couple of water fordings are part of the hike and water shoes are recommended. You could even challenge your family or friends, who may not believe that you can hike 20 miles in a day, to make a pledge to AWA if you complete the walk! Or you can use it as practice for going on the Camino next year. This outing makes a long day, with driving to the start and end points of the hike.

NOTE: If there is a lot of interest we will schedule a second Minnewanka Thru Hike.


Heinz Unger

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