Keep It Wild, Help us Clean

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Help us to clean the province by choosing locations throughout the summer and picking up all the garbage that is potentially harming wildlife and the ecosystems in our area.
We are hoping to gather a crew of at least 10 people to help us out, but if you are unable to join our crew there are some other ways you can participate below!
How you can participate:
- Join our crew- minimum donation $20, fundraising goal (minimum $200 including your donation), join us on at least one crew pick up day or coordinate your own
- Donate to our cause –any amount welcome! our fundraising goal is $2000 by the end of August so help us spread the word!
- Request of a location you’d like to see cleaned up (minimum donation $50) – if you know of a spot with a lot of garbage that has been bothering you every time you see it you can sponsor us to come clean it up!
- Do your own garbage pickup – minimum donation $20, post picture of your garbage bags
Crew pick up days: Throughout the summer we will select locations that are large enough to allow for safe social distancing for picking up garbage. We will provide garbage bags, gloves, sanitizer & coordinate with the city to pick up collected garbage. Come and join us at a designated location for approximately 1 hour of clean up.
Katrina MullerFundraising Goal
Why Join This Adventure?
Required Equipment
Covid-19 Precautions
Things To be Aware Of
Contact this Coordinator
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