Goal: $1,000
Raised to date: $1,356.00
136% raised of $1,000:
All donations to AWA are eligible for a charitable tax receipt.
This is an easy morning ramble in Nose Hill Park that promises to bring folks with kindred spirits together for an enjoyable time exploring and appreciating just how wonderful the park is and even more so the difference that time on the hills can make to each one of us as individuals.
We will begin at our meeting spot at 9:30 in the morning and explore for about 2 - 3 hours and if you bring a packed lunch you can stay on and enjoy one of the largest urban parks in North America. The views are spectacular and the treasures of the park will not disappoint. This will be an easy ramble with some uphill; everyone is welcome to join at their own pace.
Proper clothing and footwear for the weather, layers will be great on this day in October.
We will observe COVID-19 precautions and guidance from the Government of Alberta and expect
participants to follow appropriate sanitizing and social distancing. We thank you for your understanding
and cooperation! If you need more details you can check the Government website at:
this link.
Please bring a personal mask and your own hand sanitizer.
Thank you for joining us for this exceptional day out in one of Alberta’s truly wonderful Wild Spaces
— we look forward to meeting you there!
On this adventure, we are thrilled to welcome the following two experts who will be discussing different aspects of the natural history of Nose Hill:
Karel Bergman - “Biology 101” |
Tako Koning - “Geology 101” |
Friends who are botanists, geologists and naturalists will join us to make this a truly interpretive ramble. Botanists will show us plants that are becoming dormant; a hawk or two and some ravens playing will make us look to the skies; the geological treasures of the park will be explained and the sacred signs of the earliest travelers and indigenous people will be visited as we ramble our way across the hills.
There is no doubt you will find fresh air, glimmering signs of fall and a sense of peace that the hills and time in nature can bring. Closer to the date, I will send you details of where we will meet on Thursday October 21st at 9:30 am.
Our ramble on the hills will give us a chance to enjoy Nose Hill Park and the features there that make this such an important urban park.
There is no set fee to join this Adventure, however, a donation to AWA would be appreciated. Sponsorships are also greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Contact this coordinator:
by email at
by phone at (403) 283-2025,
or by using the form below: