Cochrane Ranche Adventure

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Cochrane Ranche
Difficulty: easy
Age range: 7-12
This one is for the kids! If you are aged between 7 and 12-ish, come adventuring through Cochrane Ranche with us! Along the way, you will get to explore the creek, cliffs and forest of Big Hill Creek valley. You may spot a hawk or heron, or see signs of the resident owl family. And you can look for signs of the deer, moose, and beaver that spend time in the valley. You’ll also get to discover the stories of the ranching way of life. Can you imagine yourself as a cowboy or cowgirl? Nature, wildlife, history, stories, exploration… this adventure has got something for everyone!
Margaret O’Regan ArdanPhotos and Report
Fundraising Goal
Adventure Metrics
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Covid-19 Precautions
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