Pollinator Power! (2020 Adventure)

No specific date: this Adventure is ongoing
Edgemont, Calgary
Note that while this Adventure was in 2020, there is an updated Pollinator Power! adventure running in 2021. Please see here.
Alberta’s native pollinators are really amazing! Even though we’re practicing social distancing we know they are not and they still need our help. We are building bee boxes and for every minimum donation of $50, we will deliver your box to your doorstep. Our April 19th scavenger hunt is postponed until further notice. Once you have your box you will be able to personalize and set it up for your pollinator friends. As a bonus for the first 10 donors, you will find a small jar of Rocky Mountain House wild honey in your box.
Heather HaddenPhotos and Report
Fundraising Goal
Contact this Coordinator
[addtoany url="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/adventures/a4w2020-pollinator-power/" title="There's a great wilderness adventure happening in Alberta this year! Pollinator Power! (2020 Adventure):" buttons="facebook,twitter,email" media="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/20080800_knn_picklejar_bee_jhildebrand-scaled-e1582747936841.jpg"]