Lethbridge Coulee Birding Tour

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Lethbridge Coulee
Carved out by the Oldman River, Lethbridge’s river valley and coulees are teeming with life, with these areas providing urban sanctuaries for plants and animals alike. One of the main defining features of this landscape is the species richness among birds. With over 230 species having been recorded within the city limits, Lethbridge’s coulees are filled with the spring songs of birds. Join in on the adventure of exploring this ecological diverse landscape with lead Dr. Everett Hanna, a professor with the University of Lethbridge, whose commitment to education and conservation can be seen in his efforts as a professor and a recognized wildlife biologist.
Nissa Pettersonand Dr. Everett Hanna
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[addtoany url="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/adventures/a4w2020-lethbridge-coulee-birding-tour/" title="There's a great wilderness adventure happening in Alberta this year! Lethbridge Coulee Birding Tour:" buttons="facebook,twitter,email" media="https://www.adventuresforwilderness.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/a4w2020_npetterson_b_1.jpg"]